Monday 18 March 2013

Viking Myths

Viking Myths

Vikings were have many myths and most people in the world are very stereotypical towards them. The Vikings were believed to have been a murderous, brutal, relentless and bloodthirsty civilization. However due to the recent discoveries found by archaeologists, this may not be the case.

This is a number of combs and brushes
used by the vikings

These brushes and combs were found by archaeologists digging on the coast of Scandinavia. In finding these items they have proved that vikings wasn't just a horrible barbaric race but they were civilized and had no choice to raid and expand their land with the size of their population.

The picture displayed is a piece of jewelry worn by a viking. This shows that vikings did in fact wear these items as a way to improve on their appearance. This also proves that the vikings weren't just pirates and raiders but civilized people working on improving their appearance just like a normal person would do.

This is a piece of Jewelry worn by the Vikings
it displays a viking longship riding over the sunset into battle.

Did Vikings have horns on their Helmet?

One of the biggest stereotypes about vikings is that they also have huge horns on the outside of their helmets that they use in battle. This is the only known example of a complete viking helmet in existence. The helmet excavated on a farm called Gjermundbu in Ringerike, central Norway. The viking helmet was rounded and had a peaked cap combining four metal plates. The helmet also has an extension down from the front to protect the nose with spaces left for eye holes. What was first noticed when finding this helmet is that the helmet had no horns attached to the outside of the helmet, thus proving the myth that vikings all had horns on their helmets false. 


1 comment:

  1. Great to see the primary source evidence you are adding. Make sure all your work, words and images, are referenced.
